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You must keep sending work out; you must never let a manuscript do nothing but eat its head off in a drawer. You send that work out again and again, while you're working on another one. If you have talent, you will receive some measure of success - but only if you persist.
--Isaac Asimov


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Wednesday, August 31

Hurricane Response

Since I am not very fluent with my words lately, I will just let Holly say it so much better than I ever could.

And PBW, too.

For all us crafters, many Red Cross chapters will accept donations of blankets, sweaters, etc. Please contact them to find out how to help.


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Tuesday, August 30


"My lesbianism is an act of Christian charity. All those women out there praying for a man, and I'm giving them my share."

-Rita Mae Brown


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Thursday, August 25


If I could have three wishes they would be:

1. Stability for my gf and kids (our own home, no money worries, etc.)

2. No more sickness. I currently have no depth perception because one eye is swollen up enough to change my $^&&(*$# vision.

I would save the third one for emergencies.


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Sunday, August 21

Sympathy for my GF

Tomorrow is the first day of the school year. School supplies and clothes are ready. Normally, my gf would get to go to coffee for the first time in three months with no kids. This year, she will probably be spending it at home, taking care of our youngest who developed a fever today.

The school year doesn't affect me much because I work five am to one pm all year, Monday thru Friday. The majority of the time I am home, the kids are home anyway. But, I can feel her pain. We love our kids, really. We both just long for that little bit of time to be adults with adults. The only time we get to do this is during school. We don't get lucky enough for both our kids to spend the night with family on the same night and we can't afford a babysitter. One day won't make that much difference, but it is a letdown after all the anticipation.


at 9:15 AM, August 22, 2005, Blogger Stephanie Tyler said...

Hope your youngest feels better soon!

And yeah - I understand about the adult time - and the alone time too. I got an hour yesterday and I cherished every single second of it...


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I Thought That Was Just For Rednecks

All along, I have thought that body painting was just for drunken parties. You know the type, frat boys put a face on their belly and *sing* along to a popular song. I was wrong.

This is what would happen if I did it:


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Saturday, August 20

Knit Some More

I need some R&R so out comes the knitting.

Right now, I'm starting a blanket with Lion Brand Chenile Thick 'n Quick. I haven't figured out the pattern yet. I'm trying to design a ripple afgan that is knit in the round. Flat, so that the ripples are along all the edges.

In other news, Megan is done. Didja hear that? D. O. N. E. It's gonna sit and stew before I even try to do an edit. Hence, the knitting reward.


at 8:22 AM, August 22, 2005, Blogger Ronn McCarrick said...

Congratulations on finishing Megan! Enjoy the break and good luck with the editing.


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Friday, August 19

Can I Sleep Now?

I really need to get my stupid filter replaced and the idiot chip removed.

Thursday, August 18th:

3:40 am-Wake up
5:00 am-Start Work
2:00 pm-Leave Work
2:30 pm-Have Coffee with gf, Linda, Missy, kids, nephews and nieces
5:30 pm-Back at Work
9:00 pm-Leave Work
10:30 pm-Work Yet Again

Friday, August 19th:
6:00 am-Leave Work
6:45 am-Go to Bed
11:45 am-Wide *censored* Awake


at 12:18 PM, August 20, 2005, Blogger Heather Lynne said...

If only it were so easy. Unfortunately, I cannot just stay at home when I know that there is not enough people at work to take care of the residents. I _feel_ guilty.

Damn conscience.


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Tuesday, August 16


Knitting has got to be one of the most zen experiences there is. Even more so if you make your yarn from scratch, but that is a whole other post. I've never found the same kind of experience with other fiber arts, but that's me.

Great free patterns from Lots of great ideas and stitches.

Debi Tuttle show how to dye yarn with Kool-Aid. Yummy!

Need help getting control of yarn stash, and UFOs? Lookit Joan's Wacky Dot System.

Aran Paint brings a whole new meaning to design your own. Lovely little program. offers a wonderful stitch database for the basics. Absolutely essential for beginners.

Happy Stitching!


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Friday, August 12


Hello, my name is Stupid.

Can someone please tell me what the heck "Trackback URL" is? My blog hopping enjoyment has been dampened by the fact that I don't know. Wierd, huh? I've been ignoring these little links for ages, but now I am obsessed. Grrrrrrr.


at 8:37 AM, August 13, 2005, Blogger Heather Lynne said...

Thanks, Carter!

at 8:13 PM, August 15, 2005, Blogger Ronn McCarrick said...

Thank you for asking that question, because I didn't know. But didn't want to ask anyone about it.


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Thursday, August 11

Way Too Funny

Wanna see me?

Now, my gf. Although, you'll never, ever see her in a skirt.


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Wednesday, August 10

Compassion and Empathy

Let me tell you a story.

Do you know that the Ugly Duckling had a brother, Dark. He's never talked about, you see. Momma Swan sent Dark to school and taught him how to swim, just like Ugly. But, Dark didn't want to learn. Momma tried and tried.

Momma took Dark to the pond day after day, trying to get him to learn to swim. You see, it's a big pond out there and Momma didn't want Dark to drown. One day, Dark decided to do all the things Momma had always told him not to do. Momma had to let Dark face the pond on his own, whether to drown or to swim.

Momma and the other ducklings didn't see Dark for a long time. Momma swan was a beautiful and famous swimmer, that got even more famous while Dark was gone. She always worried about him, but she did have other ducklings to look after. She even helped other swans to swim as beautifully as she did. Then, they heard that he had done something really, really bad to two of the forest creatures. Momma and the other ducklings were crushed. The other forest creatures were outraged.

So, when this awful thing happened, the other forest creatures decided to pluck at Momma's feathers so that she would have a hard time swimming. Ponds were even closed. Some of the forest creatures realized that Momma didn't make Dark do these things. They thought that everyone should be helping those creature's families that got hurt instead. No one could hear them. Most of the forest creatures wanted to hurt somebody back.

The saddest part of this story is that this isn't the first duckling to not listen to its mother, and it won't be the last. Because Dark's momma was a beautiful and famous swimmer, all the forest creatures heard about it. I wonder if any of the forest creatures will realize that the families of those two creatures that got hurt need those that are plucking feathers to support them instead of waste their time plucking feathers.

Please pray for those involved, all of them. Annamarie Cruz Randazzo, her family, John Hardin, his family, Jeremy Chapman, his family, Joshua Henninger, and his family are all in my thoughts and prayers as they all should be in yours.


at 1:23 PM, August 11, 2005, Blogger Heather Lynne said...

I'm just having a hard time understanding why everyone is into bashing on this. Sometimes, human nature makes me want to become a gorilla.

at 2:54 PM, August 11, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand it either. Thanks for the post.

at 11:30 AM, August 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.


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Monday, August 8

Prayers Please

Please keep PBW and her family in your prayers and thoughts.


at 7:27 AM, June 07, 2011, Anonymous Casinos Review said...

Certainly, certainly.


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Saturday, August 6


-----Unedited Rewrite-----

The bumps from potholes rocked the bus, lulling me to sleep.

Dad stopped the boat, jumping overboard for a swim. Coming up for air, he said, "Shanna."

He was probably twenty feet from the boat. So, I dove in. The cool water caressed my skin as I swam to Dad. Each time I would look for him, he was farther away. Soon, my muscle's were screaming and the water was tossing me around. Now, when I looked, Dad was saying something.

"Dad, you're to far away. Stay there. I'll swim to you." The sky was so gray it looked black, lightning flashed. Through the greenish water, I could barely see him. Next time I looked, he was gone.

Startled, I opened my eyes.

"Stand up." The pits on the agent's face seemed deeper up close. Over his shoulder, Shanna could see angular gray lines that blocked the view of an amazing pink and purple sunset. Razor wire covered both sides of the three chain link fences surrounded this chunk of concrete that was supposed to be a building.


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PBW got me thinking about what I fear. I realized it isn't the rejection letters. I've dealt with rejection my whole life. It isn't pain, either. Been there, done that. I've already survived the most horrible experiences a sadist could think up. So what is it that I do fear?

I reflected on my life. I turned a full-ride academic scholarship at an Ivy League college into dropping out one semester short of a degree at the local community college. I became an ass wiper instead of a nurse. All along, I've wanted to write. Now, I get to the ending and rewrite the whole damn thing from scratch. Anyone see a pattern here?

26 years of not taking that final step to achieve. I always thought that ripping out an afghan on the last row to fix a flaw on the fifth was perfectionism. Wrongo, Heather baby. The thought of accomplishment makes me want to curl up into a ball, piss myself, and scream "Uncle."

I watched Coach Carter (awesome movie, btw) last night. I remembered the following lines today while pondering my wonderfully dysfunctional life. Perfect fit.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

There's nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
-Marianne Williamson


at 11:28 AM, August 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Heather. That hits really close to home.

:) Nice to be reminded, you know?

{huggg} and thank you!


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Thursday, August 4

Stand By

The next post will be Friday night. Content? Hopefully, a snippet from what I wrote during my 48 hour rush. I'm having fun again!


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Monday, August 1


Neener, neener, neener. 10,042 in forty-eight hours.

Why must I shower all the long-haired women on Monday? After this weekend, my fingers did not want to wash, comb, blow dry, and braid all that hair.

Stephanie faces the construction zone, alone.

Holly, can you see my house from up there?

Carter has gone completely wierd-wired.

Thinking of PBW:


at 8:08 PM, August 01, 2005, Blogger Jean said...

Yayy!!! Good for you!

at 10:14 PM, August 03, 2005, Blogger Stephanie Tyler said...

*looks left, then right, realizes she got here before PBW & takes the candy*

Awesome word count!!


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